We don’t go after the things we want because we tell ourselves we don’t deserve it. Well, I’m here today to tell you that our own discouragement comes from our own self-inflicted limitations and when we limit ourselves before we give ourselves a chance, we are losing out on our best life.
Why do we not trust ourselves enough to go for it? Fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of if we can survive. Fear of not being able to see the finish line when we start. But, it’s important to ignore all the reasons why not to, and just do. Don’t limit yourself to what people tell you that you deserve. There are so many people who will want you to see you fail because they have reached a point in their life where life is what it is for them. They have reached a point where things are basic and they can’t do anything further to reach the next level because they gave up on themselves long before they ever had a chance to do anything great with their lives. They do it because they never got a chance to live their best life, they can’t handle seeing someone else put in the work to get what they truly believe is their best. Therefore, when they see you out there hustling and chasing pavements (thanks Adele) they give words of discouragement. That’s why I’m here to tell you today, do not limit yourself to what you can see and touch. Go for the biggest dreams and reach for the impossible, because you do deserve it. Work your ass off because you know you are meant for something bigger. Put all of your efforts into your passion and what you want and know that it will pay off if you give yourself the chance and time.
You are deserving and you don’t need the approval of anyone but God. God is in your favor. He is rallying you on, and if there is a roadblock, see it as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. Do not give up.
Nobody can put a limit on your creativity or stunt your growth apart from yourself. They say, “the sky’s the limit”. There are no limitations to growth which is why is it is so important to strive for more. It is important to be your own champion and your best cheerleader because there are times when there is no one in your corner rooting you on, and you just have to continue the good fight. There aren’t any limits in life, apart from the ones we put on ourselves.
Go over the ledge, and when you land on your feet, tell the world and do it again. Keep pushing yourself to be your best and do it again and again. Show up and show out – not for anyone else – but for yourself.
OOTD: Jeans – David Buffalo | Pumps – Steve Madden | Shirt – Zara | Necklace – The Hudson’s Bay | Watch – Michael | Purse – Sister’s Closet
... S. xo