Do it for yourself because you know what’s best for you. Don’t waste time trying to live in a past that is long gone, or a future that hasn’t taken place. Make precious memories and do it with an open heart. Create your own unique life that has value, meaning and purpose for you!
I didn’t have a surefire plan at the time, but I had a starting line. Passion is something that people should be actively conscious of and be seeking in order to be able to appreciate life. Choosing to live a life filled with intention and passion is the biggest decision we can make especially in a time when it is an option for us. Choosing to live with intention will get you to a better place where happiness is a direct result of what you do and who you are. By understanding and knowing your purpose and living out your passion, you will emit a frequency that can only be discerned by those operating on the same level – the right kind of people who deserve to be in your life. Your tribe.
Coming into this year – 2018 – and having celebrated my champagne birthday, I am continuing on the path that I started forging for myself then because I realized what my happy place was, and is. I realized my passions and have continued to seek out paths, or create paths that have allowed me to constantly live my intentional life. So, while so many of us go through life saying “I will get around to it” and then we never do, or we get to it as a last resort when time is running out. But, I urge you to stop. Listen to yourself and re-evaluate what it means to live a purposeful life. Purpose provides a direction for life; you know what you want to express or achieve and look for ways of doing that. When the direction you are taking is significant and worthwhile to you, your life has meaning.
Subconsciously, we all self-sabotage ourselves until we say “no more”. Living with intention sets your soul on your fire. Living with intention spurs you on when you feel like giving up on yourself. Living with intention sets you up for a healthier and joyful life because you are living your truth. And if you don’t know how to exactly define your purpose, maybe try the following:
- Define a purpose – know what sets your soul on fire and pursue it with focus and precision. Focus and commit to being the best version of yourself.
- Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus and commit to being the best version of yourself. You are good enough, smart enough and beautiful enough.
- You can’t control everything which is why you need to go with the flow. Make a choice and live it out and if it doesn’t work, change lanes. Listen to your inner voice
- Protect and direct your energy wisely. Choose to be happy and always look for that silver lining.
- You only have one life to live, so live it well.
Dream so high so that when you look up all you see are infinite possibilities in your life. Dictate your life in your own words and script it out as if you planned each scene deliberately. Write the moments down that mean so much and that leave a mark on someone’s heart. And most importantly, live each day with intention. Let the blood that is pulsating through your veins be your armour. Let your mind and your hands transmit a deafening frequency to the world that you are here. A force to be reckoned with. A master of creation. We can drive, direct and change our lives. All that’s required is a shift in mindset and a commitment to action.
Having just ushered in the new year, and as you are setting your resolution(s) for the year, instead of setting lofty goals that have a timeline or date stamp on them – losing 20lbs, bikini body by spring break, Dryuary | Drynuary … why not bet on yourself? Bet on yourself to be the best version you can be. Choose to be that person who seeks more – and wants more because you deserve more. Write it down. Say it out aloud. Speak it into existence. And if you find yourself in a state of confusion or doubt, just remember to:
“Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.”
― Mary Anne Radmacher
... S. xo
So me in 2018. Living with purpose, being myself & not comparing myself to others. Have a wonderful one.